• 5 Essential Zionist Figures You Need to Know

    In world history, the nineteenth century serves as the bedrock, the foundation for, so much of the intellectual and ideological landscape that defined much of the twentieth. The concept of the modern nation-state, Darwinian evolution, Marxism/Leninism, Rousseauism, Prussianism, Dispensationalism; the 1800’s set the stage for the implementation and failure, to one degree or another, of

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  • All Government Programs are Welfare Programs

    Prevalent in conservative politics today is a common theme of animosity towards the “welfare state.” Programs that go by a number of names like “the government dole”, or simply stated, “welfare programs.” At best, this nomenclature includes any number of subsets of agencies and programs depending on how informed and how principled the objector claims

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  • 5 (More) Things You Must Know About Iran

    Last week, we reviewed some of the history behind US-Iran relations and the nature of Iran itself as a nation or a people. But I promised that I had more! This week, we have more juicy information, much of it within my lifetime (and probably yours). And much of it should be of immediate use

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